Presentations & Talks

This lists some of my presentations in the academic or otherwise professional context. Some of them are linked to conference papers, others were mostly invited presentations on some topics. I hereby grant permission to use these slides for any non-commercial purpose, especially including for education, as long as either the whole slide set with its front page is retained or specific reference to their origin is given. If you have any questions about using parts of the material presented here, please do not hesitate to email me and we will definitely find a solution.

Older talks, not yet organized in the new Hugo scheme:

  • 6.2.2013 15:00-17:00: Presentations at Johannes Kepler University, Linz, AT
    Fachvortrag: Security in Mobile Systems: Current Challenges and Selected Approaches: slides
    Lehrvortrag: Denial-of-Service Attacks: slides

  • 7.12.2011: Presentation at iiWAS 2011, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
    Private Notes: Encrypted XML Notes Synchronization and Sharing with Untrusted Web Services: paper, slides
  • 19.10.2011 18:30-20:00: Presentation at Security Get-Together: slides
  • 14.7.2011 15:15-16:45: Panel discussion on mobile application security at Summit 2011
  • 12.6.2011: Presentation at IWSSI/SPMU 2011, San Francisco, US
    A framework for on-device privilege escalation exploit execution on Android: paper, slides
  • 31.5.2011 16:00-16:25: Keynote and panel at KSÖ - Sicherheitskongress 2011 – „Cyber-Security/ Cyber-Crime“, Vienna, AT
    Sicherheitsfalle mobile Endgeräte: slides, OE1 matrix interview, interview audio broadcast
  • 24.2.2011 8:30-12:30: Lecture and Workshop at RACON, Linz, AT
    Mobile Phone Security: Android: slides
  • 7.2.2011 15:00: Presentation at MCPT 2011  / EuroCAST 2011, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria
    Friends Radar: Towards a private P2P location sharing platform: paper, slides
  • 9.11.2011 14:30: Presentation at iiWAS 2010, Paris, France
    Air-Writing: A Platform for Scalable, Privacy-Preserving, Spatial Group Messaging: paper, slides

  • 25.9.2010 11:00: Presentation at UCSE 2010 / Ubicomp 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark
    User Created Machine-readable Policies for Energy Efficiency in Smart Homes: paper, slides

  • 8.10.2009: Two lectures for network administrators, Steyr, Austria
    19.11.2009: Two lectures for network administrators, Vienna, Austria
    Schutz und Absicherung von Internetverbindungen: slides
    Grundlagen von E-Mail Verschlüsselung & Signatur: slides
  • 30.3.2009 13:30-15:00: Lecture at EPO Munich on methods for spontaneous security: slides
  • 2.3.2009 9:30: Habilitation colloquium (defense of habilitation thesis), University of Vienna, Austria
    Ubiquitous Computing Security: Authenticating Spontaneous Interactions: thesis, slides
  • 18.2.2009 12:30: Presentation at EuroCAST 2009, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria:
    On Structural Identification of 2D Regression Functions for In-door Bluetooth Localization: slides

  • 2.7.2008 14:00: Tutorial on Context Prediction at FTW Tutorial Day: slides
  • 23.4.2008 19:30-21:00: Lecture at CV-MKV-Zirkel Vöcklabruck, Vöcklabruck, Austria
    Der aktuelle Überwachungswahn und seine Folgen: slides
  • 21.4.2008 12:00-13:00: Lecture at Third Exhibition for Palestinian Youth Innovations & Inventions 2008, Palestine, via video conference
    Security for Spontaneous Interaction: Problems and Examples: slides
  • 19.4.2008 11:00-11:45: Presentation at Grazer Linuxtage 2008, Graz, Austria
    Hochverfügbarkeit für KMUs: Shared-Nothing Clustering für virtuelle Hosts: slides
  • 19.4.2008 9:30-10:00: Key note at Grazer Linuxtage 2008, Graz, Austria
    Sieben Anti-Thesen erfolgreicher Open-Source Projekte: slides

  • 18.9.2007 12:00: Presentation at Ubicomp 2007 main papers track, Innsbruck, Austria
    Security by Spatial Reference: Using Relative Positioning to Authenticate Devices for Spontaneous Interaction: paper, slides

  • 17.9.2007 15:30-16:30 and 17:30-20:00: Presentation at Ubicomp 2007 1-Minute Madness and poster sessions, Innsbruck, Austria

    Shake well before use: two implementations for implicit context authentication: paper, slides, poster

  • 16.9.2007 9:00-17:10: Organization and moderation of IWSSI 2007: slides

  • 3.8.2007 11:00: Lecture at BaCaTec Summer School on Pervasive Healthcare Systems, Kloster Seeon, Chiemsee, Germany
    Pervasive Computing Security: slides

  • 2.7.2007 9:00: Presentation at ESAS 2007, Cambridge, United Kingdom
    The Candidate Key Protocol for Generating Secret Shared Keys From Similar Sensor Data Streams: paper, slides

  • 15.5.2007 9:25: Presentation at Pervasive 2007, Toronto, Canada
    Shake well before use: Authentication based on Accelerometer Data: paper, slides, recently also featured in New Scientist

  • 12.4.2007 9:30: Presentation at the WAIS 2007 workshop of ARES 2007, Vienna, Austria
    A Human-Verifiable Authentication Protocol Using Visible Laser Light: paper, slides

  • 30.3.2007 11:00: Presentation at the SSN 2007 workshop of IPDPS 2007, Long Beach, California, USA
    On the Security of Ultrasound as Out-of-band Channel: paper, slides

  • 19.3.2007 16:00: Presentation at the PerSec 2007 workshop of PerCom 2007, White Plains, New York, USA
    Towards an Open Source Toolkit for Ubiquitous Device Authentication: paper, slides

  • 14.2.2007 10:30: Presentation at the Heuristic Problem Solving workshop at EuroCAST 2007, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, Spain
    Extending the Growing Neural Gas Classifier for Context Recognition: paper, slides

  • 6.12.2006 13:00: Presentation at the TwUC 2006 workshop of iiWAS/MoMM 2006, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
    A Context Authentication Proxy for IPSec using Spatial Reference: paper, slides
  • 10.2.2006 14:15-15:00: Talk about firewall techniques at InternetTage, Technologiezentrum Attnang-Puchheim, Austria
    Möglichkeiten und Schwachpunkte von Firewalls - Live-Hackingdemo (in German): slides
  • 31.1./2.2.2006: Two invited guest lectures at the Computing Department of the Helsinki University, Finland, organized by Patrik Floreen:
    31.1.2006 14:15: Context prediction based on learning user habits: A next step towards “smart” systems: abstract, slides
    2.2.2006 12:15: Context authentication: making secure communication more user-friendly: abstract, slides

  • 29.11.2005 11:55: Speech at my promotio sub auspiciis praesidentis rei publicae (in German): speech
  • 1.6.2005 9:00: Invited guest seminar at the University of Darmstadt, Germany, organized by Bernt Schiele:
    Kontextvorhersage: Ein weiterer Schritt in Richtung “intelligenter” Systeme: abstract, slides
  • 25.5.2005 12:15-13:00: Invited talk at Linuxwochen 2005, Vienna, Austria
    Gibraltar Firewall (in German): slides
  • 14.5.2005 13:00-14:00: Invited talk at Grazer Linuxtage 2005, Graz, Austria
    Erweiterte Firewall-Techniken (in German): slides
  • 11.5.2005 11:00: Presentation at the ECHISE2005 workshop of PERVASIVE 2005, Munich, Germany
    Context Prediction based on Context Histories: Expected Benefits, Issues and Current State-of-the-Art: paper, slides
  • 2.5.2005: Presentation at the Dissertation award 2005 of the Gesellschaft für Informatik, Mainz, Germany
    Eine Architektur zur Kontextvorhersage (in German): paper, slides
  • 23.4.2005 9:00: Invited keynote at Symposium Internet-Recht, Linz, Austria
    Technische Hintergründe für das rechtliche Handeln im Internet (in German) : extended abstract, paper, slides
  • 13.4.2005 17:00-18:00: Invited talk and workshop at Linuxwochen 2005 at Ars Electronica Center Linz, Linz, Austria
    Gibraltar Firewall (in German): slides
  • 22.2.2005 12:15-13:30: Invited talk and workshop at Linuxday 2005, Klagenfurt, Austria
    Gibraltar Firewall (in German): slides

  • 29.10.2003: Presentation at MWCN2003, Singapore
    Feature Extraction in Wireless Personal and Local Area Networks: paper, slides
  • 15.9.2003: Presentation at MOMM2003, Jakarta, Indonesia
    Recognizing and Predicting Context by Learning from User Behavior: paper, slides
  • 29.6.2003: Presentation at SECCO2003, Eindhoven, Holland
    Securing Passive Objects in Mobile Ad-Hoc Peer-to-Peer Networks: paper, slides
  • 10.4.2003: Training course for network security and firewalls at technology center Attnang-Puchheim, Austria (in German): slides

  • 9.9.2002 11:00: Final viva voce for my diploma thesis, Linz, Austria
    A New Approach to the Fast Simulation of Spiking Neural Networks: thesis, slides
  • 5.4.2002 14:00-14:30: Presentation at EMCSR2002 in Symposium K: Artificial Neural Networks and Adaptive Systems, Vienna, Austria
    DEVS Simulation of Spiking Neural Networks: paper, slides

  • 2.10.1999: Short presentation about a Linux-based IP router and ISDN gateway with accounting data in an SQL database, at PC Club Steyr, Steyr, Austria (in German): handout, slides

Newer talks

2020 Towards a Transparent Database of Android Device Security Attributes